Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vagina Monologues - A Review

I know the first word might make many of you wince once or twice. But as the actors on stage said, this discussion will either liberate you , shake you or rejuvenate you. Well... I fall in the first category, I felt liberated after watching this play. When 'WHO' took me to watch this play at the Comedy store in Phoenix mall, my bro-in- law who had watched it 2 years ago told us "life would not be the same again". I need to confess I imagined it to be a sex comedy by some lewd men. After all we love sex comedies dont we? with overtones and undertones they masssage our alter egos. What we hate is reality. Hence, movies on domestic violence and rapes dont run as much or mint money as Woody Allen's Husband and Wives would.

The posters of Vagina Monologues told me it was performed by five women and not just any women, women I was so accustomed to seeing in saans bahu serials and ads of Aashirvad atta. There they sat in front of me and spoke about an organ I was so ashamed to mention to my inner self. I have often heard men take pride in their lower self ( their Johnnies) no wonder you find lot of exhibitionists around. I wonder if you ever found a women whistling and shoo shooing a guy to expose her vagina ( I bet that's many men's fantasy) but it never happens. This play unfolded the 'dark secret' the reason why women wont do it. We feel so inferior about our lower part ( Our little Janes)that when the actors asked us to shout the word vagina many of us refused. We are after all conditioned to believe this is not to be talked about and many of us dont even discuss about it to our own mothers let alone the men in our life .

If you ask me what nudity the bunch of five actors spoke I would say tonnes of it but it changed my definition of vulgarity. They told me something noone had before. They told me I need not feel ashamed of who I was and my vagina was not my weakness anyone could invade, it rather was part of my identity. It was my pride and I could decide how I lived with it. I did not have to adorn it to please someone because I was not born for that alone. I was exposed to stories of women who were so worried decorating their vaginas to please partners that they wanted to believe it was not a part of their body and was an external device that could be detached.I learned I need not flaunt it around but my vagina has a lot of reasons to make me proud.

I suddenly realised I had never spoken about the V word to anyone except my gynaec that too embarrassed. And here I was sitting among a niche crowd understanding why I hate the 'V" word how I am happy I am not judged beautiful according to it. We women never chit chat on ' does size matter or not like many men" because deep within ashamed we are ashamed. We are told not to sit split wide open as it sends wrong messages. We are told to hide our panties under a towel because we should not attract men who whistle at our balconies lest even steal nice ones. We are told any violation that happens to our 'V' intentionally or unintentionally disgraces our family names. And imagine the burden we carry on our shoulders from the day we learn this.

But what many of us dont realize is the mutilation of vaginas occuring in this nation as much as Africa. The pouring of acid and chilly powder into the vaginas of uncouth girls and sex workers who complaint ailments. What we do not know is soldiers shoving down their rifles into the vaginas making a women shudder when she pronounces the V word.

I cannot understand a man's fascination to a part of a female's body for which he torments it and creates a scarred female mind.

What I do know is that everyone out there has been very close to this so called dirty part once in his life and no human being can deny his longest journey through the birth canal ended at a woman's vagina. I wish every pervert remembered this and every individual respected it. Then why would this team be boycotted from performing in many places suggesting their theme improper.

Why does sex when discussed by women become vulgar and men makes it literature? Why is Shoba De misjudged and Khushwant Singh applauded ?I know it sounds feminist. Definitely it is my vagina talking.

N.B- No comments by perverts will be tolerated but they will be published for the world to read .


SK said...

I have read the Vagina Monologues but have never seen it performed so I can only imagine how the experience might have been. The power of it on stage must be simply beyond compare. I am glad that I know someone who has watched it...finally! Would definitely love to discuss it with you on a one to one basis whenever that might be. The Vagina Monologues is about pride and ownership (at least that is how I see it), in and of the most ignored, most maligned and still the most important part of a woman's anatomy. It gave me a strong sense of self realisation when I read it. I just hope that one day I will get the chance to watch it performed!

Unknown said...

Coincidence! i read this yesterday - http://www.openthemagazine.com/article/living/can-t-get-no-self-satisfaction
and was thinking of sending it to you. Do have a look.
The play sounds interesting. Thanks for the sharing :) Hope I can catch it some time somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Girl saying the V word remained many pervert's fantasy and taboo for girls. Its really good to know plays like these do happen these days.

maybe its time we should shorten the list of taboo words and acts.

I have shared the link to few dear ones myself.


Sudheesh said...

Groundbreaking. Guess it validates the kind of Freudian complex that makes men want to go back to the womb or something. I am reminded of what the Head Geisha in the 'Memoirs of a Geisha' tells Pumpkin, the new entrant: a woman's body is full of holes that men take refuge in. All said, there has been a debate on what the nature of Indian feminism should be, what issues should be prioritised. In any case...keep the feminist going!

Anonymous said...

saw it a couple of yrs ago. they played it at our university.i wish more ppl would see it.

Anonymous said...

I liked it. yeah it is time we rest our taboos in peace! :)
