Monday, October 10, 2011

Help for a patient suffering from Cancer

This is the first time I am using this blog to pledge for a cause. Please go through the message below and contribute in anyway you can. Every penny counts please support this patient in every way you can.

A Request For Financial Assistance To Support Chemotherapy
For A Young Man
At Regional Cancer Centre Trivandrum India

Name of the patient: Milton
Age: 30
Category: BPL POOR
C R No: 094110 Date of admission 2\5\2009
Address: Milton , Kalathi Veethil, Kattiparampu, Kannamali, Kochi Ekm District
Doctor: Dr Sreejith Nair Oncologist RCC
Family : A Young Wife With 2 children Stephyia 5 ,Sanjana 4, invalid father [fisherman] and mother.
Milton bread winner of the family; carpenter – repairing wooden fishing boats.
Latin Catholic from Fort Kochi .
Treatment: 2/5/2009 to July 2010, active chemotherapy supported by CAREPLUS Rs.75000/-.
Sponsorship of the education of children Rs.6000/- annually was by Mr.Jison John, ACIS, Technopark, Trivandrum .

Hard times in the family CAREPLUS found a kind hearted sponsor Mr.M.G.Oommen who contributes Rs.5000/- every month to run the home and pay the rent.
Remission – 1 year up to June 2011 – recouped but unable to walk.
Milton came back to R.C.C with a relapse July 2011.
Treatment: Aggressive treatment with high dose chemo was suggested. The family started losing hope because it would cost around 2 lakhs. Dr.Sreejith discussed his condition with CAREPLUS and encouraged us to raise funds for the treatment. Being young the patient had better chance of withstanding the treatment. The next step the doctor suggested is a Bone Marrow Transplant. The whooping expense is Rs.2 Lakhs for Aggressive Chemo and Rs.10 Lakhs for Bone Marrow Transplant. Donation received is Rs.85000/- for aggressive chemo and the patient is admitted at M.O.ward R.C.C from 11-Sept-2011 and is undergoing treatment. Immediate need is to raise Rs.1 lakh to complete this stage for treatment followed by the Bone Marrow Transplant.

A Plea – Well-wishers and donors can contribute liberally to support the treatment. Money transfer can be made to CAREPLUS A/c No. 67011561820 at State Bank of Travancore, Medical College branch, Trivandrum , India . Money transfer should be done only from nationalised banks in India . Please send the complete address of each donor to our email id so that we can issue the receipt and thank you letter.

A word about CAREPLUS :
CAREPLUS is an NGO extending a helping hand to the poor cancer patients identified by the doctors, who come for treatment at Regional Cancer Center(R.C.C.) . And fully supports the palliative care patients who reach the hospital and conducts medical homecare service for the palliative patients in Trivandrum district. Two medical teams conduct this service in two different areas in Trivandrum district, extending medical care to bed ridden patients entrusted by R.C.C.. CAREPLUS has been rendering services to RCC for the past 8 years. It is an organisation that runs fully on donations received from individuals and institutions.

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